Saturday, June 25, 2011

life pick!

I decided that I must not let this story be unfinished!


It has to have an ending. Or a continuation whatsoever.
that's the only way that I can have Myself to look forward in life and be at peace throughout My decisions.
The whole dynamic of life itself is gain by learning past experience.
Hence learning from experience can't be completed without completed turn of events.

I can finally stop faking My smiles.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

life Pick!

Saye hanye mampu senyum je.

senyum je tgk org laen hepi.
bile kawan2 mintak advice, saye bg je sambil senyum .
kadangkala, saye berjalan pon sambil senyum .
lecturer mngajar pon saye senyum .
ati saye kosong je, mulut still senyum .

tak tau la knape senyum .
tekanan idop?jiwa kacaw?

most of the time saye bazirkan online.
saye x taw nk spend camne.
kwn2 da kurang.

saye sesat.

die da lame x msj saye.
rindu nye.
die da jnjy nk kasi dgar suare die.
mesti sedap punye.
die nk bertolak ke uk nnt.
xdpt nk msj punye.